Free Certification
Vision Screener Certification is FREE
Lions KidSight USA strongly encourages Lions to become certified vision screeners so they obtain a comprehensive understanding of the screening process and then begin organizing events at Schools, Daycare Centers and Preschools.
Occasionally, there is a Screening Training Seminar that takes place in your area or State.
Attending a Training Seminar is a great way to learn a lot in a short period of time.
Watch the Screener Device Training Videos -
Read the LKSUSA Training Manual (est. 2 hrs)
When you are ready to take the Exam, you need a Username and Password. You may have received this at a class that you attended, or contact Dan Uitti via email at danuitti@gmail.com
With that password, we recommend that you use a computer (instead of a Mobile Device or iPad) to take the exam. A touch screen may make it difficult to navigate. Sign In here
At some point after taking the exam, you will receive a personalized Certificate via email. You are welcome to print additional copies, to show Schools that you and your team are truly qualified.

Read the Manual
Start your Vision Screening Journey by reading the Lions Kidsight USA Training Manual available using the link above
Watch the Videos
After you've downloaded the Vision Screening Training Manual, go to the Vision Screening Training Videos page to watch our videos on YouTube.

Take the Screener Exam
Take your Screening Certification Exam online at the LINK listed above. You'll need a Username and Password to take the Online Exam. Please see instructions listed above.