Organize a Vision Screening Event!
It’s easy to get started! If your club is not already providing children’s eye screenings, see below for the three suggested models that can evolve over time. Remember, 25 million kids are counting on us, and we’re counting on you to help make this national screening initiative a success!
Read these helpful See Clearly documents!
Download this PDF form
and fill in the details!
We shall process your admission and update you with our final decision within 60 days of receiving payment and all documentation.
Club/Zone Model
Club (or zone on a sharing basis) has a screening device
Club(s) has a HIPAA-compliant system to screen children at places such as pre-K institutions, Head Start programs, community health clinics and community organizations, health fairs and others
A HIPAA-compliant permission form parents need to sign
A HIPAA-compliant document detailing screening results that can be shared with parents or guardians
The ability to provide/fund follow-up exams and care for the medically indigent, or at least a list of resources/agencies that can help
Maintain a list of screening information including the number of children screened and percentage referred for an exam
District-Multiple District Model
All the above features PLUS
Coordinate program at the district level or by a district foundation
A network of eye care professionals supporting the program
A coordinator, either a Lion volunteer or a paid staff person, to schedule/coordinate screenings and support clubs with the program (parental permissions, referral and follow-up care coordination, etc.)
Pursue regional partnerships
Maintain a central database of the number of children screened, referral rates, and if possible outcome data of eye exams
University / Governmental Agency Model
All the above features PLUS
Coordinate program at the Multiple District level and may have a university or hospital partner with paid staff to help coordinate the program
Pursue state-level partnerships with professional eye care organizations and education associations, and seek state government funding or program collaborations
Essilor may be able to help
See these documents for information regarding OneSight EssilorLuxottica Foundation and its role in LKSUSA.
Email Dr. Edward Cordes for assistance
While much of the action to have a vision screening event at your location is arranged locally between a Lions KidSight Program and you, please email me, Dr. Ed Cordes, at kidsightusa@gmail.com to put you in touch with helpful people from our side - usually members of your local Lions Club or state/regional Lions office.
If a group of Lions Club members would like to explore the possibility of larger-scale in-person training for people to become certified children’s vision screening experts, please email Dan Uitti at dan@uitti.net.